Monday, February 4, 2008

On the Fence - t-shirts and onesies

I am "on the fence" as to whether to offer t-shirts and onesies. When I had samples made a few months ago I didn't have a very pleasant experience with the print shop that I used. First of all, they took forever and their customer service was less than satisfactory. I won't name them because I am a nice person, but I will never use them again. So, the hunt for a reliable and quality screen print shop is still underway. Lately, I have been getting orders from the existing stock I have listed on Etsy. So far, only onesies have sold. Thus, the reason I am re-visiting having more made. At first, they didn't sell but all of a sudden they have been.

Above is one of my t-shirts that my son is wearing. I offer this design in a 2T. The image to the left is a sample of a onesie.

Well, we'll see how my hunt for a screen printer goes. I know I have lots of choices, it's just finding the right one. I think I can really make a hit with this line and adding more of my animal designs to the shirts and onesies.

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